
Located “upcountry,” about 1500 feet above sea level on the Haleakalā volcano, the town of Makawao retains the charm of old Hawaii perhaps better than any other Maui community. Paniolo (Hawaiian cowboys) have defined the area since cattle wrangling began there in the late 19th century, and the Makawao Rodeo and parade consistently generate more excitement than any other Fourth of July event on the island.


Also known for its flourishing art scene, today’s downtown Makawao features not only real hitching posts and the Rodeo General Store, but galleries, gift shops, boutiques, restaurants, and the locally famous Komoda Bakery (established in 1916). Makawao real estate options range from modest cottages and homes to gentleman’s farms and sizable estates. Residents enjoy excellent hiking and mountain biking in the Makawao Forest Reserve, as well as the ability to access the modern conveniences of Kahului within 20 minutes.